Understanding Chronic Pain

Many of us at some point in our lives have experienced pain. Whether it be physical pain or emotional pain; pain is uncomfortable.  It can quickly shift our quality of life and awareness of our body.  However when we better understand pain, it can help us to get through the uncomfortable situation and find healthy ways to address it. 


Believe it or not, when you’re experiencing pain, the body is doing its job. Pain is a protective response.  It is a way for the body to communicate with us that something needs attention. The degree and type of pain can vary. It can be acute or chronic depending on the length of time it has been present. Acute pain is short term, usually associated with an injury. Chronic or persistent pain is when it continues over a longer period of time for 3 months or more.  Chronic pain may persist even after the injury has appeared to heal or the stimulus is removed. Medication, injections, and surgery are often ways to get rid of the pain. The problem is, it doesn’t always work or only provides temporary relief. 


In my experience as a PT, patients dealing with chronic pain are usually referred to specialists or pain management to address their symptoms. They may start traditional PT which can help improve mobility or at most learn ways to manage pain. Although there are sometimes cases where nothing seems to help. The ones where patients have tried traditional PT, chiropractic, injections, medication, or acupuncture with minimal results. They may have learned ways to help manage the pain, but it still persists at high levels.  There are some that get relief initially but then the issue returns. Even worse, patients may go on to have surgery but come out with the original symptoms still present.  When patients have exhausted options, it can take a toll on mental health. The thought of living in pain for the rest of one’s life can be disheartening.  I’ve had patients express frustration when healthcare providers start to believe it may be in the patient’s mind because the imaging shows otherwise.   It is a continuous cycle of talking about pain and seeing multiple specialists but with no results. So then what?



There is more involved than just our physical symptoms. 


The human body is complex. It is great to have specialists for a specific area, however the body continues to work as one so when addressing pain the whole person needs to be evaluated.  This includes the physical body in addition to the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.  Much more goes on at the subconscious level than we are aware of. Past traumas and injuries can be stored in our connective tissue. An injury that occurred 20 years ago is often overlooked because it was so long ago and “should” be resolved. Injuries from the past can all play a factor in someone’s current state.  



With chronic pain, it can be difficult to determine where it is coming from or how to relieve it. The body is constantly sending the pain signal, but our conscious mind is not always able to see the source. When someone has endured trauma, emotional stress, or injury the body is just trying to survive the situation. Our consciousness may not fully process the situation and you may continue to carry unresolved emotions with you in life. The trapped energy can start to cause the body and connective tissue to contract which can lead to pain and dysfunction. 



Pain was once explained to me in comparison to a smoke detector. The smoke alarm going off is just a warning sign. You still need to go find where the smoke is coming from. Pain is the alarm in the body that something is not functioning properly. It is a symptom and often the cause is elsewhere. 

When we try to use a quick fix such as medication, injections, or external devices, it is as if we are waving a towel in front of the smoke alarm to silence it. However, the source of the smoke still has not been addressed even though the alarm has temporarily stopped. Eventually that can lead to a larger problem if it continues to be ignored or masked. 



Learning healthy ways to help address pain is important. Myofascial Release is a great way to release fascial restrictions which may be causing pain, especially at a subconscious level.  It has great results  in addressing chronic or unexplained pain in order to restore balance within the body. It is a gentle approach addressing the full mind body complex.  



Here are some additional tips for healthy ways to address pain.

      1. Movement : Can be intuitive or in a structured setting. Research shows exercise can help improve pain and dysfunction within the body by improving strength, mobility, and mood.  Even more so, doing something you enjoy can improve your mental and physical health.

        1. Breathing : Just become aware of how you are breathing. Sometimes we do not realize we are holding our breath. In doing so it is sending a signal to the body we are not safe which can heighten the pain response. Notice what areas of the body may feel stuck that the air is not getting to. Try slowing the breath down in and out through your nose to those areas. 

          1. Journaling: Writing may not be everyone’s favorite but can be a great option for some. A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed writing about stressful life experiences improved lung function in asthma patients and overall disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Writing helps to acknowledge your thoughts and express emotions so they do not continue to be held within the body.

        There is Hope. 


        Overall pain can affect sleep, social life, daily activity and mental health. Pain can trigger a fear response. Many of us have become so accustomed to avoid discomfort.  However, have you ever thought that pain could have some benefits? It may be trying to tell you something. Discomfort is an opportunity for growth. The discomfort may be a way your body is trying to get you to change a lifestyle habit or let go of held negative emotions so that you can live to your fullest potential.



        Quick fixes are not always the answer when it comes to pain. If one has been struggling with pain for a long time, it likely is going to take some time to get to the root cause.  Pain can result in changing the way you do something so that the injury or negative response does not happen again. It is how the body learns. Be your own advocate. If you are struggling with pain and not getting the help you need, don’t stop there. There may be more going on than what standard imaging tests may show or what we perceive on the conscious level to be creating your symptoms. 






        Smyth JM, Stone AA, Hurewitz A, Kaell A. Effects of writing about stressful experiences on symptom reduction in patients with asthma or rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized trial. JAMA. 1999 Apr 14;281(14):1304-9. doi: 10.1001/jama.281.14.1304. PMID: 10208146.